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Comfortable cold foam mattress Silverlife for a restful sleep 10% reduced
The Silverlife cold foam mattress offers you restful sleep with optimum body adjustment and back support.
Adaptable cold foam mattress with high body adaptation
The special combination of the comfort cold foam core guarantees that the mattress adapts particularly well to your body weight and reliably adapts to your body.
Point-elastic mattress Silverlife for a healthy spine
This means relaxation for your back and spine. The good point-elastic mattress ensures a healthy sleep.
Natural concept: silver threads in the mattress cover for optimal protection
The Silverlife Natural Concept mattress cover contains silver in the form of silver threads. During production, these silver threads are visibly interwoven with the cotton fibre. Silver threads can regulate body temperature by absorbing body heat and releasing it to the outside.
Durable and environmentally friendly: Guarantee, recycling and exchange option
Good to know: The mattress is very robust and durable. You get a 10-year guarantee on the mattress and you have the option of recycling your old mattress in an environmentally friendly way. With a 14-day exchange and purchase on account with Powerpay, we offer you flexible options.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Vielen herzlichen Dank für die gute Beratung. Die hergestellte Matratze auf Mass geliefert am 11.10.16 ist einfach fantastisch, hier ein paar Bilder.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen Familie Ariel und Sylvia aus Gletterens
Liebe Familie Ariel,
das freut mich wirklich sehr :), zumal Ihr Auftrag eine echte Herausforderung an uns war.
In diesem Sinne wünsche ich Ihnen alles Liebe, Gute und ⛵ ahoi mit einem erholsamen Schlaf. Herzliche Grüsse aus Stansstad Ihr Matratzenland Team