Mattress Bico
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First-class sleep in every respect with Swiss mattresses from Bico 20% discount on all Bico mattresses
Restorative BICO sleep is the result of many large and small innovations by our sleep experts. It is the interplay of Swissness, quality and sustainability that makes the proven BICO lying comfort so special.
Bico mattresses
The detail is decisive: For optimal sleeping comfort, not only the mattress cover with its materials is decisive, but above all the mattress core.
This offers the best possible support and pressure relief for your healthy sleep in the various body zones.
There are mattresses in up to four degrees of firmness for different needs. However, since lying comfort is perceived very individually, the decision for a specific model should only be made after extensive testing. All Bico mattresses are tested in the in-house SleepLab test center for the most important factors: ergonomics, climate, hygiene and durability. They are also supported by the independent AEH center
for occupational medicine, ergonomics and hygiene AG certified.